FR       EN
Protection of the
Dragon Blood Tree
Access to
Drinking Water
Learning About
Socotri Poetry
—> campagne de financement

protection du dragonnier

accès à l'eau potable

découverte de la poésie socotri

à propos



Adopt a Dragon Blood Tree!
We Must Save the Dragon Blood Tree of
see the crowdfunding
Socotra is part of the 2022 World Monuments Fund’s biennial selection of 25 of the world’s most important heritage and threatened sites requiring immediate attention
Protection of the Dragon Blood Tree
We now have the opportunity to develop a nursery of 300 dragon trees in Firmihin, thus contributing to the preservation of this exceptional endangered tree.
On the Diksam plateau and in Firmihin lay huge forests of dragon trees.

One of the most amazing species on our planet, this endemic tree grows between 150 and 1600 m of altitude and surprises by its silhouette: indeed, it looks like a giant mushroom. Its leaves grow at the tip of its branches and point to the sky, allowing it to absorb moisture from the air, on an island where drought periods intensify year after year.

The tree produces a red resin - earning its name of dragon-blood tree -, which is used in traditional medicine as a remedy against all evils!

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Access to drinking water
Some surrounding villages do not have access to drinking water. Thus, we can look at expanding the pipeline system to those villages to give them access to water as the island is getting less and less precipitation
more information soon
Learning About Socotri Poetry
Much of Socotra island’s mystery lies in its endemic cultural heritage, its isolation having preserved it from external influences. To discover the Socotri language is thus to board a linguistic time machine to discover a language whose roots are close to the oldest Semitic languages.

It is also discovering a culture where poetry has a strong presence.

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The Socotra Dragon Blood Tree association is the meeting of french and socotri people, all convinced of the importance of preserving this exceptional tree!
Socotra   desk
+967 777 542 028
French   desk
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